Barriers to research

“When the substances involved may also include potentially forbidden substances resembling THC, which are subject to regulatory scheduling, the barriers to research become greater still. One may wonder, however, how much additional time might have been required to discover the Endo-cannabinoid System (ECS) were not cannabis there to lead the way. Despite its seeming ubiquity, and obvious importance as a homeostatic regulator of human physiology, the ECS topic receives short shrift in contemporary medical education, if mentioned at all. This educational deficit, born perhaps of lingering prejudice towards a plant called cannabis, must surely end soon, as it is contrary and detrimental to potential significant contributions to public health.”

– Ethan B. Russo

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Have a light-hearted season

And the preacher says:

It’s that time of year again. Seems to me it’s a lot more dense than in previous years. Let me explain.

When once upon a time if a person displayed holiday lights on their home, it was a sign of being well-off. Lights on the house was an extra expense. Anything more than one string and you lived in a quiet neighborhood, well then, you were really rich, and the next year your neighbor would have 2 strings of lights. And so it went on until today. Today we see yards full of lights. Homes drenched in lights and sounds. Front lawns adorning lit up reindeer and snowmen. No Jesus in the manger or holy holy night. Just lots and lots of lights.

When, once upon a time, people kept their opinions to themselves. It was the polite thing to do. Oh, you could make comments about politics or religion, but not opinion. The thoughts you cherished as your own, and rightly so, were yours and yours alone. Opinions, it was believed, were not facts and then, well, you just stick to the facts. Simple. Today you can blah, blah, blah about anything you want. Everyone is screaming out an opinion and it’s becoming angrier and angrier. What’s with that? Any facts to back that up?

Then, once upon a time, a man (person) was measured by the essence of his word. The word was sacred. Yes meant substance. The word was his bond to others which in turn, measured his success.

Today, the word has become a tool for aggression. A way to do harm. Lies are common which breed distrust and in turn, bring destruction.

Once upon a time was a really nice time which wasn’t that long ago.

I miss that one string of lights on our home which meant we were doing all right. When harmony came in compliments and interest in others. When you shared knowledge with each other and kept your opinions to yourself. When love flowed freely over a good meal and good friends would never lie to you and a well meant hand-shake built trust.

Have a light-hearted season.

Blessings to all.
Rev. Gina

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