Cannabis Wave community

Cannabis Wave is a community of people who know about Cannabis. We cultivate a cooperative spirit and share experiences… Discuss the medical uses of Cannabis and provide assistance to patients who are using it… Open the door to creative insight with Cannabis… Enable a new paradigm where Cannabis is no longer demonized. We recognize the sacredness of the Cannabis plant.

As a member of Cannabis Wave you will have access to doctors, nurses, and other patients who know about the treatment of PTSD, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, autism.

As a member of Cannabis Wave you will connect with people who will personally guide you.

As a member of Cannabis Wave you will have access to the Job Exchange. You can advertise your cannabis-friendly business and find cannabis friendly workers. Job hunters can find places to work where their cannabis use is not an issue.

Our network will help you restore your ability to be healthy and help you deal with stress.

We all have a voice and common interest in the new Cannabis arena. But so many questions go un-answered. The cloak of illusion is a strong fabric which can be raised if we all understand the real truth.

That’s exactly why we have created the Cannabis Wave forum. To tell your truth with integrity and honor. To know the Cannabis history, the political agenda. The awe-inspiring magic of the plant itself.

Let us ride the Wave together. Welcome.

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Why We Fight For Reform – by Mark Kichman

Martin Luther King Jr. has been admired in my family well before I was born. In virtually every house in my family, there are pictures of Mr. King hanging on the walls, and quotes plastered on everything from coffee mugs to school projects. Martin Luther King Jr. was an amazing person, and I am delighted to celebrate his life and achievements on Martin Luther King Jr. Day every year.

As a cannabis activist, I often wonder what Martin Luther King Jr. would think of the marijuana reform movement. I like to think that not only would he be proud of the reform movement’s victories, but that he would have been a cannabis activist himself. I don’t think that Mr. King was a cannabis consumer, as there’s zero evidence that he ever consumed marijuana at all. But supporting marijuana reform is much more than just being a consumer and fighting for your personal right to consume.

I’m happy to say that I know a lot of people that support marijuana reform, yet have never consumed cannabis. Those people support marijuana reform because they support equality, because they support compassion, and because they support social justice. Those of course are all things that Martin Luther King Jr. stood for too.

Martin Luther King Jr. stood up for what was right, even when it wasn’t popular, and even when it meant risking everything. His efforts are what ultimately cost him his life. To say that Martin Luther King Jr. is honorable and amazing is one of the biggest understatements of all time. Marijuana activists should strive to be like Mr. King. Marijuana activists should be willing to risk it all in the name of truth and justice, even when it isn’t popular or easy, and especially when it isn’t popular or easy.

On MLK Day remember why you fight for reform, and strive to be more like Mr. King. Below are some of his quotes, all of which I feel apply to the battle to end marijuana prohibition:

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.

Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

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Freedom from Tyranny

Fifty-three years ago I was standing in a sea of black people when Martin Luther King Jr. gave his “I Have a Dream” speech. It was a peaceful crowd. There were a few whites, but not many. My sister and I were standing near one of the TV cameras and near the end of the speech I saw the red light go on. We were on live TV. At the time we didn’t know how important that day was.

We are still working on Dr. King’s dream to be free from tyranny. President Nixon’s war on marijuana began a decade later. That war has ruined the lives of many blacks. It was a clever ruse. Prohibiting marijuana has no rational basis. Cannabis is a medicinal herb that is also used socially. Today we are creating a new paradigm where Cannabis is no longer demonized.

The healing properties of Cannabis are recognized by the vast majority of Americans, but the laws are slow to change. Anti-marijuana propaganda has produced an irrational fear. The Cannabis Wave community is revealing the truth and creating a new landscape. The tyranny of the past will no longer stand.

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Trust is Essential

Let’s talk about trust. Why do we trust some people? Why don’t we trust some people?

When you trust someone, you believe that they will do what they say they’re going to do. If you don’t believe them, you don’t trust them.

Trust is essential to cooperation. Without trust, anger and frustration boil to the surface.

Who do you trust? First you have to trust yourself. Then you can find other trustworthy people like you. Cannabis Wave guides are trustworthy helpers who can show you the way.

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Respect for Cannabis

Let’s talk about respect. As a member of Cannabis Wave, you are one of the people who respects Cannabis. Too many people don’t respect the cannabis plant. They think it’s just garbage. They’ve been told a lot of stories about the “devil weed”. They blame it for making them do stupid things.

In reality, cannabis changes the way you perceive the world. It shifts your focus onto the now. Thoughts about the past and future recede into the distance. This adjustment allows new ideas to percolate into your mind.

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The “Laugh Factor”

One of the issues we need to address is the “laugh factor” associated with cannabis. After decades of propaganda and jokes about marijuana, people tend to laugh when talking about the medical use of cannabis.

We need to put that behind us so we can let people know that cannabis is a valuable medicine.

Why does marijuana make people laugh?

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Cannabis Friendly Jobs

We have a lot of work to do. The laws are changing rapidly and people who secretly used cannabis are coming into the light! It’s a rough call. The old guys manipulated the laws on marijuana that made it difficult to be open about cannabis use.

Many companies have policies that discriminate against people who use cannabis. These policies are changing.

Cannabis Wave is creating a job exchange to match people looking for work with employers who are cannabis friendly.

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Marijuana propaganda

Cannabis has been used by humans for thousands of years. Today, we are coming out of a period of ignorance and suppression. Cannabis is both medicinal and social. The artificial barrier society has built between medical use and recreational use will come down when people realize that this plant is valuable for it’s ability to do many things.

There is nothing to fear from marijuana. The negative propaganda about marijuana is just that … propaganda which is designed to promote fear.

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Are you having a hard time figuring out what to do? Do you have trouble communicating with other people? Do you feel trapped?


We know how it feels. You are not alone. There is a way out of the box you are in. Cannabis Wave Wayshowers will guide you.

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Cannabis Wave membership

Let us ride the Cannabis Wave!

Determined by time, we find ourselves at a new beginning. So many Cannabis initiates have been undermined by mentioning the word marijuana that the discussion ends there, not having the tools of knowledge to go further in detail.

Our stories get lost in the criminal system and the essence of the plant itself gets lost in commercial enterprise.

We all have a voice and common interest in the new Cannabis arena. But so many questions go un-answered. The cloak of illusion is a strong fabric which can be raised if we all understand the real truth.

That’s exactly why we have created the Cannabis Wave forum. To tell your truth with integrity and honor. To know the Cannabis history, the political agenda. The awe-inspiring magic of the plant itself.

Let us ride the Wave together. Welcome.

Become a member of Cannabis Wave: Click here to sign up

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